Saturday, 2 November 2013


We cruised into Cologne at about 1.30pm. This is a big city, very different to the small quaint townships we have seen on our way. Cologne was founded by the Romans in 50 AD. That is old.

The boat docked right near the city centre. We joined a local guide for a tour of city and were suprised to see some original buildings.  Cologne was bombed in 262 separate air raids in WWII.

We saw quaint building, again with a narrow frontage aimed at minimising taxes.

Old and New statues.

Ancient site and evidence of very early 

We tastes the local Kolsch.

Explored another Cathedral - 

Checked out the locks on the bridge.
We made it to the chocolate museum but it was too late to start a tour.  Fortunately the shop was still open.

A view from the shore of our home away from home.

At home.....

It is hard to believe we have been home for a week.  I am now trying to wade through the 1000's of photos to try and get them down to a reasonable viewing amount.  We have enjoyed the week to let our bodies catch up with things and to do some jobs around the house.  

I have decided to post trip add some posts on the missing places of Cologne, Amsterdam and Kew Gardens.  So if anyone is still interested enjoy, if not I is great to review the trip and choose some photos.